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March 4, 2020

Rob Phinisee

Joey Brunk

Bloomington, Indiana

Indiana 72, Minnesota 67

THE MODERATOR: First question.

Q. Joey, coach talked on the radio show about getting you going a little bit. What was different particularly about you tonight attitude-wise?
JOEY BRUNK: Just wanted to stick with it, stick with the things that got me here, not really switch that up.

Q. Rob, your thoughts on the way Joey played tonight. Give me your take on what you saw, what stood out to you the most.
ROB PHINISEE: His energy. I mean, we needed it in the second half. We were down by two. Just him bringing the energy, getting those big buckets when we needed it.

Q. Joey, Al started the second half with a drive, got to you under the basket, made a bunch of plays. What did he give you guys in terms of his aggressiveness?
JOEY BRUNK: Al was aggressive coming off those screens. Did a good job of looking to score, creating for others when he was doing it.

Q. Rob, can you talk a little bit about this is obviously the last week of regular season, all that's at stake, how much are you aware of it, knowing the must-win status?
ROB PHINISEE: We don't really focus on it. We focus on day by day, winning the practice. Really we just want to tomorrow get after it in practice and do what we can so we can beat Wisconsin.

Q. Joey, you're against a guy who in a lot of mock drafts is a first-round pick. You frustrated him. How do you manage when you're playing against a guy who is bigger?
JOEY BRUNK: Just being solid in our principles. Got a lot of good coaching. Just kind of sticking to that, being confident in that.

Q. Joey, what have you learned, if anything, about yourself and game over the past couple weeks when your minutes have decreased?
JOEY BRUNK: Just got to stick with it regardless of what is going on. Continuing to lead in practice, have energy, keep plugging away.

Q. Joey, when you talk about sticking with it, anything you felt like you got away from or wasn't as effective as it had been for you, refocused fundamentally?
JOEY BRUNK: No, I wouldn't say really anything in particular. Still the same, same routines, same stuff with Coach Cliff, being here at night. Kind of the same deal.

THE MODERATOR: Guys, thank you.

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