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May 21, 2015
THE MODERATOR: Questions for Ryan.ÂÂ
Q. Ryan, three front-row starts in the Indianapolis 500, two top-five finishes. This will be his 10th start in the Indianapolis 500. Ryan, for several months you thought you wouldn't be in a car, a race you've seen a lot of success at. How do you feel about being able to get in the car?
RYAN BRISCOE: Obviously my thoughts go to James. You never like to be part of a situation like this. Best wishes for him and his recovery.ÂÂ
To have this opportunity, it's great. Obviously coming into the Indy 500 like this, it's not the ideal situation. You sort of prepare for this race a year out. You visualize how you're going to go through practice, the whole process. Something like this comes up, you throw that out the window.ÂÂ
I feel with my experience and the experience the team has, the experience that Hinch has had with Al McDonald putting his racecar in really good condition for the race, I feel confident that with a few laps today and Carb Day out there with all the competitors, I'll be able to find my groove again, get back up to speed.ÂÂ
From there we have high expectations. I feel like, considering everything, it's not going to stop us and myself from giving us our best shot to getting to the front.ÂÂ
Hopefully, as you often need at this place, the gods are with you, and we have a really good Sunday.ÂÂ
Q. IndyCar said you would be given a familiarization session. What are you hoping to accomplish on track?
RYAN BRISCOE: All this has happened in the last day or two. I flew into Indianapolis yesterday, did an ordinary seat fit and everything. Honestly, just finished checking the headrest and everything about 10 minutes ago.ÂÂ
Today we want to get out there. We want to do some laps, get myself up to speed. It's also a safety thing. I think it's what all the drivers would want when somebody comes in at this place just so we're not going out there in traffic rusty and cold.ÂÂ
Today we just want to do some laps. Just need to get familiar with the car. Everything's changed since I started last year. But we'll come in, get familiar with coming into the pit box and leaving. Just try to knock that rust off before going out tomorrow.ÂÂ
THE MODERATOR: We'll open it up for questions.ÂÂ
Q. You're familiar with how this car handles under the old aero rules. How curious are you to how it's going to be with the different aero?ÂÂ
RYAN BRISCOE: I'm curious. I'm not going to learn much about that today.ÂÂ
I've talked to several drivers.  I think there are some characteristics. I think it's been harder on the engineers than it has been for the drivers. I feel the actual downforce levels feel like they're about similar to last year. The way the car drives is very similar. I'm not expecting it to be too unfamiliar.ÂÂ
You know, we'll have to wait and see.ÂÂ
Q. Ryan, it's never easy to go into a brand-new environment. Talk about going into a new team. Talk about trying to learning the personnel and everybody there.ÂÂ
RYAN BRISCOE: I've never worked with this team, but I've been very familiar with the team. It's a very experienced group of guys from top to bottom. I feel like my engineer, Al McDonald, he's one of the best in the paddock, one of the most experienced.ÂÂ
I actually know a number of the mechanics on the team. There's just a wealth of experience there. That makes me comfortable. This team has had a lot of success in this series, at this track. Sam knows everything there is to know about this place. It's been great talking to him about it.ÂÂ
I feel I've been made as comfortable as I can be in this situation.ÂÂ
Q. Ryan, have you ever had past conversations with Hinch to now how you relatively like your cars set up? Do you know anything about Hinch's setup? Something comfortable for you or major changes?
RYAN BRISCOE: I never really compared notes with Hinch in the past. The last day and a half talking with Allen about the setup and everything, his feelings, the steps that are being made to improve the balance of the car.ÂÂ
I feel good about the changes that have been made. We've got some ideas to maybe keep working with tomorrow.ÂÂ
But, yeah, I mean, I really can't give too much input until I've driven the car because everything is different. I think a lot of the setup is being driven by the new aero kits as well. It changes how the cars need to be balanced.ÂÂ
I'm just anxious to get out there and get a feel for it. ÂÂ
Q. Ryan, you're a competitor. Obviously want to race your way to the front. What role will patience be, how important will that be at the start?
RYAN BRISCOE: It's a 500-mile race. I think no matter how much experience, how confident you might be with the car, race day is always difficult for everyone in the field, whether they've had two weeks of practice time or half a day or something.ÂÂ
Yeah, I mean, we'll be starting on the last row. There's plenty of time, it's a long race. It always surprises you how long the race is here. You're out there all day, you're closing in, you take note of the laps, you're only halfway.ÂÂ
Patience will be key as always.ÂÂ
Q. Ryan, the last time you raced here, the cars had a different aero kit. Is there anything from the previous kit you can use to your advantage with the car?
RYAN BRISCOE: You know, so much changes here. Even with the same car from day-to-day, a lot can change. I think you just got to take it as every situation is its own.ÂÂ
Obviously the aero has changed. I think with the developments that have been made with the aero kits, IndyCar has sort of taken away the floor and so on. Obviously it hasn't changed too much.ÂÂ
I've got to take any experience I've had here, all the cars I've driven, put that to use on Sunday.ÂÂ
Q. Ryan, it was alluded that you were trying to put something together to run the 500, but it didn't work out. Talk about how you found out that there was this opportunity, how it changed your plans.ÂÂ
RYAN BRISCOE: Yeah, I mean, obviously I'm following everybody in practice here. When I saw Hinch's crash, honestly I didn't even think that he was injured at the time. The news didn't come out. Then I started getting some phone calls. You know, sort of started thinking about it.ÂÂ
But I didn't hear from Sam until Tuesday. We were talking about all the ins and outs all day Tuesday. I was home, doing everyday stuff.ÂÂ
No, I mean, it's hard. Honestly, this month, from the outside, sort of seen some of these crashes and stuff, the media really has been putting quite a negative spin on it.ÂÂ
Not being here, you sort of feel and hear a side of it. I actually talked to a few drivers about how they were feeling here and stuff. They have a lot of comfort actually. Talked to Dixon, Franchitti, Helio, as well. They were like, Not too much has changed. Sort of gave me that confidence boost coming in here.ÂÂ
It's amazing coming to the speedway now, you get mentally prepared. All of a sudden I feel like I'm 100% in the game and can't wait to get out there.ÂÂ
Q. You don't actually get a chance to run with other cars on the track. Is that going to be much of a disadvantage?ÂÂ
RYAN BRISCOE: We'll be out there tomorrow for an hour running with everyone. That will be an important practice session for us.ÂÂ
Q. With how much limited time there is in practice, was it much of a thought process before accepting?
RYAN BRISCOE: Yeah, I mean, definitely. I was at home before Sam called. I was thinking about the pros and cons. But being such a professional team, the level of experience that there is on the team, I felt comfortable and confident in accepting the offer, taking onboard the opportunity.ÂÂ
Honestly, I wish Hinch was here. But it's an opportunity that's been given to me. I'm excited for it. I'm willing to go out there and do my best.ÂÂ
Q. Ryan, you have this opportunity. Do you regard it as your chance to prove that you should actually be in IndyCar racing full-time?
RYAN BRISCOE: No, not at all. I'm just here to fill in for Hinch, do the best I can for the team, for the sponsors, for Arrow and Lucas Oil. I'm just focused on doing this race to the best of my ability.ÂÂ
Next week I'm off to France for a couple of weeks. The focus will turn to Le Mans. Right now I'm here to do my job, and that's it.ÂÂ
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports